Thursday, October 1, 2009

All about waiting!

The second one is definitely darker in person.
Chi-ching! That's all this amounts to.

No smiley face for me...YET!

The more time I spend on this trying to conceive roller coaster the more I notice that ttc is all about waiting. First we wait for ovulation to occur. In my case that's a very stressful and sometimes long wait. With irregular and long cycles waiting to O can be torturous! This cycle I started clomid a day later then the cycle I got pregnant with the twins and so I'm thinking I might ovulate a day later too. Today is cd 16 and my opk's are finally starting to show some sort of line. I'm hoping with time they will get darker and darker. But back to the waiting rant! The second period of waiting is what women in the ttc world like to call the 2WW or the two week wait. Most women hate this waiting more but I on the other hand really enjoy it. This is a time when I can validate treating myself like I may be pregnant. I take it easy lifting things. I get plenty of rest and daydream a lot. But I must admit that the 1ww is a bit harder for me. As the testing date get closer and closer I get more and more anxious. And then back to the waiting. The next thing we wait for is the 10 minutes it takes to confirm a BFN. BooooO! We all hate BFN's! And in between the time of the BFN's and AF is more waiting followed by lots of chocolate and possible fits of crying. Such an emotional time for a woman. It's amazing I've made it this far. It seems like we've been ttc FOREVER! But it's been about 16 months now and I've been pregnant twice. So not a bad record for the getting pregnant part but a terrible record for the staying pregnant part! Oh, wait! I feel something. As I sit here typing I'm feeling some aching down below. I know my ovaries are working. I just hope they're working to produce some nice healthy eggies! Please please please!

In other news, the kids have another soccer game tonight. I might take more pics and post them later. They're getting pretty good at this. I'm proud! Nathan has a class trip coming up to some apple orchard. I volunteered to be a chaperon. I figured this would be a good chance for me to take some pics of hi and some of his classmates for his school scrapbook. Speaking of which I better get my but moving on these scrapbooks. The holidays are fast approaching and I have two years worth of pics to catch up on. I need some motivation.

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