Monday, October 12, 2009 there is a line!

After the could be a line/ could not be a line tests last night, I woke up this morning and checked my temperature and sure enough it shot right up there. I got up and headed to the bathroom for a HPT check. I used another $ store test and thought I saw a glimmer of a line again. By this time I thought that I couldn't possibly be imagining two faint faint faint lines. So, I saved my FMU. At 9am me and the kids headed over to Walmart and I picked up a 3 pack of FRER's. I came home, removed my FMU from the fridge (yea, I know...a new low but I ead on that after time the HCG in your urine starts to break down unless kept cold) and tested. At first the window didn't start to turn pink. It just stayed white. I'm assuming that was because it was cold. Then after 30 seconds or so I saw the pink control line forming. I brought the test to the computer desk and I set off on the internet to occupy myself for 9 minutes. It wa so hard not to glance down at that test. But finally 9 minutes past and I brought the test over to the light. It was very hard to see at first but once I saw it I saw it everytime I looked. If I look at it in natural sunlight I can definately see a line. So once again I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this line is darker tomorrow. I swore I wasn't going to tell anyone, but I got too excited. How could I not pissbly tell anyone until christmas time?! That seems forever away! So I broke down and told Shannon. Now I'm on a mission to find a fun clever way to tell Burt. I'm thinking the carved baby pumpkin with a binky in it's mouth would be pretty cute. I'm feeling pretty nervous right about now. I have a feeling in the back of my mind saying this is just a chemical pregnancy but I'm trying my hardest to push that thought away! Sticky baby bean vibes welcome!

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