Thursday, October 22, 2009

The 2ww is now the 40ww

In the beginning of the ttc journey I posted a blog about how ttc is all about waiting. Little did I know at the time that my waiting would pay off with a bfp. Now I spend my sleepy days sitting at home still just waiting and slowly passing the time. I've tried to break it down into small achievable goals like making it to 7 weeks for my first ultrasound and then 12 weeks for the end of the 1st trimester...but the wait still seems excruciating! How am I going to do this? I don't even have enough energy to do fun things that might pass the time. I'm hoping that some reassurance at the ultrasound will put my mind at ease enough to wait until the 12 week mark. C'mon little baby! Now is a good time to start listening to mommy. Please be a good little pumpkin and grow nice and strong and healthy for mommy and daddy.

Feelings about pregnancy today: Today I'm feeling a bit more confident in my symptoms. I checked my ff chat and noticed that nausea didn't really kick in until about 6 weeks with the girls. But I also watched a show on the Discovery Health Channel all about conception and the growth of a fetus inside and the miracle of birth has me again a bit worried. There are just so many different things that can go wrong. How does it ever go right? I just keep reassuring myself that I've given birth to two healthy children before and I can do it again. Besides if drug addicts can make perfect babies, why couldn't I? Hey whatever works right?!

Symptoms: fatigue- I fell asleep on the couch last night at 8:45pm

What am I most looking forward to: Still waiting for insurance confirmation. I'm checking the mail everyday even though I'm sure it's going to be awhile yet.

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