Sunday, October 11, 2009

Could I will it to be?

Okay so today is 8dpo. And as I think I mentioned before, I have been testing since 6dpo. I've had pretty high temps and I'm hoping that the corpus luteum is working it's progesterone magic. Yesterday I thought I saw something, but convinced myself that my mind was playing tricks on me. And then tonight I took another $ store test which I think I might see a line where one s supposed to be. It's so confusing. If it's there, it's the most faint BFP I've ever seen. Tomorrow morning I plan on taking another $ store HPT and saving my FMU until I can buy a FRER later on. But you know that if I see even a glimmer of a second pink line there tomorrow that I will be at Walmart waiting for the doors to open. Thankfully Burt has work tomorrow and I can pull off a quicky Walmart run, poas, and then decide on the creative way I want to tell him. I'm getting excited but I still have this feeling in the back of my mind that this just may be an evaporation line and that AF will show in a few days. BUT fingers crossed that tomorrow proves me wrong and I see a bit of a darker line. C'mon baby! Implant!! Implant!!

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