Friday, October 2, 2009

The big "O"

So it's here! After posting this morning I went and tested again with an internet cheapie. The test line was there and pretty dark. But definitely not what I would consider positive. I knew from before that I never really got a true positive with these things. They were always almost positive or not even close. This opk fell under the almost positive category so I decided to "waste" another digital opk to double check. I watched for a few seconds as the little test symbol flashed and then I just waited. I tried to occupy myself with the internet for a few minutes and then I glanced over at the test. And there it was. A beautiful little smiley face! YAY! I was so excited that I let out a little squeal. We bd'd last night and then again today when Burt came home. Now we'll stick with the once a day theory until O is confirmed. Hopefully that will be in a couple of days. Now that I know the eggie did it's job let's cheer on those spermies!! Go spermies! Find that eggie! Be real men!!! I figure if I insult them a little they might be a bit more aggressive.

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