Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy 9th Birthday Abby!!

So our Abby cakes had a fantastic birthday this year. I did what I do every year and decorated the dining room the night before Abby's birthday. She woke up to lots of streamers and pink and lime prettiness. I even spelled her name on the wall with streamers. That morning we picked up 50 munchkins for her to bring in to her class. Her school day was great. As tradition calls for I let her pick what we had for dinner that night. She chose sloppy joes and smiley face fries. Mmmmm! When Daddy, Juan and Uncle Frankie finally came home from work we gave her her present from us, had some cake and celebrated. She went to bed one happy little girl.

The second half of her birthday didn't come until October 1st. She had been dying for a sleepover party at the Aloft hotel. She had been to a friend's birthday party there in December and hadn't forgot about how much fun she had. We had a combined party with her best friend Mya. Total there were 7 girls there and boy did it get loud! We tried to tire them out with lots of swimming but ate some pizza, made an owl craft and watched a movie before the night was over too. She loved every minute of it. I'm sure this will go down in history as one of her favorite parties EVER.

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