Thursday, October 27, 2011

5th and final ultrasound?

So it seems that I'm blogging about things a couple days behind when they actually happen. That doesn't matter. As long as I can keep up with the big milestones and happenings of our crazy lives I'm satisfied. On October 25th I had another ultrasound. This one was to check my cervical length and the growth of the baby. Our ultrasound tech was super friendly and actually made sure I could see the screen (that never happens without me asking). I brought Amanda along to keep an eye on Lexa. Besides, this was her 1st time seeing an ultrasound of Baby Boy. The tech checked the baby's head, heart, kidneys, stomach, bladder, arms and legs. His heart rate was 167 bpm. It seems to steadily be in the 160's. She did check the gender of the baby again and sure enough he is still a HE! She printed me out the very best profile picture that I have gotten of this little one so far. You can clearly see his little nose, lips and chin. He's so very handsome! After the ultrasound I had a brief meeting with Dr. Baxter whom I haven't seen since my last visit at Jefferson with the twins. He was happy to see me pregnant again with a very healthy baby. He said Baby Boy is weighing in at 1lb 4oz which is right on track. He was also very happy with my cervical length. In fact, he was so happy that he said there was no reason I should have to be seen by perinatology again unless something comes up and the midwives feel it's necessary. What a relief!! It's nice to be a normal pregnant person again but I will surely miss all the sneak peeks I've been getting of this little one.

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