Friday, July 30, 2010

I want my baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back!

My little girl is sick. She's had a cough for 6 days now. I knew it was coming when I starting feeling that heavy feeling in the back of my throat. Her and I spend so much time together that I knew it was inevitable. The cough started out slowly and has now progressed to a heavy wet cough. It's worse when she first wakes up, but is still around all day and night. The worry never ends.

Wednesday we had a very fussy day. Actually it was worse then fussy. It was down right miserable! She was whiny all day but really started acting up around 5pm. I couldn't put her down. I couldn't even calm her for the majority of her screaming match. This went on for a good 3 1/2 hours until she tired herself out. I began to suspect the zantac was making her feel worse. She seemed so gassy but unable to burp it up. So Thursday morning I put a call into the doctor. When they called me back I told them the whole history/ About the trip to the NICU. The reflux diagnosis, about how I stopped her zantac before because I didn't think it was working and how I just started it back up again. I even told her about the trouble breathing Alexa had on Tuesday night that led us to a trip to CHOP's ER again. She listened very well and suggested I stop the zantac. She also suggested I try a new formula called Nutramigen. It's hypoallergenic. She started the new formula that day and seems to be a normal baby again. She had one bottle where she spit up a lot but since then there's been minimal spitting up. She even burps on her own a lot of the times. She seems content and easily calmed again. Please Lord let this be our miracle cure. I'd love to have my baby back. And oh yea, could you send my baby girl some healing vibes? I'd gladly take her cough if it meant she'd feel better. I'm so sick of being worried. It seems never ending. I thought that once she made her debut into this world I'd be a little less of a worry wart. I think she's made it worse! I love you Alexa! xoxoxo

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