Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The days seem to just run together

The baby is growing. Yesterday she went in for a weight check and she weighed 9lbs 15oz. And today the WIC nutritionist put her weight into the computer and she came out at 42nd percentile for her weight. I'm not sure how long she is so that will have to wait. Maybe I can measure her today. Nothing much has changed lately. We still have a very fussy baby on our hands. She seems to be most fussy right around dinner time and shortly there after. We have started to get onto a bit of a schedule. The past two nights in a row she's been going to sleep around 9:30pm and sleeping until 4,5, or 6am. That's a great sleeping schedule for mommy. Today I tried giving her gripe water for the first time. She guzzled it right down and shortly thereafter drifted off to sleep. It could've been a fluke though because I was holding her while I was on the phone and lord knows she loves to be held by her mommy.

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