Tuesday, July 6, 2010

1st bath

Last night Alexa had her first real bath. It was quite an exciting milestone for everyone. The kids have been waiting since she was born to be able to help wash her. Everyday they'd ask, "When is Alexa's cord gonna fall off?" And everyday I'd explain. So last night at 10:30pm we did it. While the kids cleaned up their room Burt and I woke the baby up. We even layed her in the empty tub for a few minutes just to see how well she'd fit. Once the kids were done we filled it up and went to town. Surprisingly she didn't hate it. She calmly sat there when I first put her in. And even enjoyed it until it came time to wash her hair. She didn't like that part so much. Afterwards I dressed her in some snuggly jammies and warmed her up. Daddy fed her one last bottle for the night and she zonked out. Thank God because Mommy did too!

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