Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nope. I was wrong. Still worried sick!!

We've started noticing that Alexa has been breathing really weird this past day. Burt brought it to my attention the other day but I brushed it off after watching her for a second. She seems to be breathing very hard and rapid. She breathes fast for a few seconds and then pauses for about 5 seconds and then resumes breathing hard. I'm scared to death. All these horrible thoughts just come racing through my mind and I'm left in tears. Please God don't let anything be wrong with my baby. I don't know how I'd hold it together. I'm afraid to stop watching her. I'm afraid to even take a quick ten minute shower. How will I ever sleep again? She just seems so uncomfortable. She's fidgeting and squirming the whole time she's asleep. And the earliest appointment I could get was for 11:30am. I pray that she didn't catch Ebby's cold in the hospital. I swear I will kill Cindy. Then even worse thoughts start coming to mind. Please please please God!! Please make my baby okay.

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