Monday, November 30, 2009

Why am I dreading this?

So I feel like I've been putting of posting in this blog for some reason. Every time I think about posting something inside of me whines like a baby, I don't wannnnnnaaaa!!! I think it's just the thought of updating about everything since the last post like 2 or 3 weeks ago. So here goes. Nothing much has changed. I am still preggo! Ya-hoo!! Today I am 10 weeks 2 days. Symptoms wise I'm starting to feel better. I seem to have a bit more energy. This weekend I even mustered up the energy to pull out the Christmas decorations and to decorate the outside of the apartment. That for me is a big accomplishment when only 2 weeks ago I didn't feel like moving from the couch to cook dinner. The nausea is starting to subside. Right now it seems to be back with a vengeance but I think that's because of this crappy cold have. My nose drips into the back of my throat and down into my tummy and makes me sick. Or I cough so hard that I gag myself resulting in an upset tummy also. So I think it's safe to say that my gag reflex is still super sensitive. Today I had a midwife appointment. My test results came back that I am not a carrier of cystic fibrosis. That I am O+ and that I am no longer immune to the German measles. Go figure! I have lost 4 pounds since my last appointment and my blood pressure was a bit high at 130/72. As the nurse was sending me into the bathroom for a urine sample to check for proteins in my urine I told her that Burt and I had just had a heated discussion on the phone as I was driving to my appointment. I commented about how I'm sure that's what had my blood pressure up so high. She agreed. After a quick test she came back to the room to let me know there was a minimal amount of protein there and that is normal for a pregnant woman. Note to self: practice calming breaths before my next appointment. I had my pap smear done. That's always fun! And I asked if renting a doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat at home was a waste of money. She assured me that their dopper cost $1,000 and sometimes they even have a hard time finding it and if ever I felt worried enough I could go into the office and just have a heartbeat check done. Becca is so understanding of everything I've been through. She makes that clear all the time. She is so willing to do anything to make me feel better. I am so happy I'm staying with them. I can't wait to bring my healthy, happy baby in to their office at my 6 weeks postpartum check up. God willing!! My triple screening is coming up soon. 14 more days actually. I can't wait to see this little pumpkin again. Arms waving and legs dancing, or yea and of course heart beating. Please God let this baby be healthy. I'm definitely scared but excited at the same time. Alright so updating is now officially OVER. I must go about my motherly duties. Dinner to be made, homeworks to be done, and bedtime.

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