Monday, November 9, 2009

It came and went and I'm still smiling!

Today was the big day. Drum roll please...............We have a baby in the uterus measuring 7 weeks 1 day with a heartbeat of 153 bpm!!!! YAY! I was a nervous wreck this morning. Burt and I left at 9:00am and headed over to wawa for a pack of gum. I grabbed a bag of sour worms and downed them in the car. I was too nervous to eat breakfast but sour worms went down smoothly. We arrived at the hospital and filled out some paperwork. No sooner then two minutes after I handed in my paperwork, the u/s tech was calling us to follow her. As I followed the tech I realized we were getting closer and closer to the u/s room that we got our horrible news in with the last pregnancy. For a brief second I thought "Oh no! Not this room!" but the fear soon subsided and she told me to lay down on the table. One look at the u/s machine and I was no longer thinking about last time but about this time and this pregnancy. I laid on the table and she immediately put the transducer to my tummy. I scanned the screen and saw a gestational sac. I watched intently as she wiggled it back and forth on my tummy and I noticed a little blob in the sac. There was definitely a baby in there. Now was there a heartbeat? She started taking measurements and I just waited patiently. Burt watched the screen and asked the questions as they came to him. He kept saying, "Is there one sac? Is there one baby?" The tech was very understanding and answered the questions as he asked them. When he saw a flickering he said, "Is that the heartbeat?" She said "Yes." Thank God!! Then he asked her how fast the heartbeat was. She said "153". Then our concerns turned to whether there was one or two in the sac. She had me empty my bladder and then she did an internal u/s. You can always see a much clearer picture with an internal so I was happy. Not comfortable but happy. When she was satisfied and able to tell us it was just one she turned off the machine and stated instructing us on where to go to meet with Dr. Weiners. She tore off a strip of pictures which I assumed were for me. Silly me! And then I realized they were for the doctor. At that point I asked her if she could print me a couple and she did. I got dressed and headed back to the office. There Dr. Weiners shook out hands and congratulated us. He said it looks like one baby and everything looks great. I scheduled the triple screen u/s for Dec 14th at 10am and we left. I remember a small sense of relief but I still feel a bit reserved as far as my feelings go. I feel if I let myself get to attached I may just get hurt all over again. It's so hard to balance those feelings with the love I already have for this baby. I guess it's just really hard to believe we might actually get to bring a baby home this time. Maybe it's because the last pregnancy started out the same way. We were completely clueless at 7 weeks what we would be in store for 9 weeks later. I've got to think positively though. This baby deserves a chance to feel some optimism too! After figuring out what level we parked on (both of us were so nervous on the way in we never even checked) we headed out to lunch. Friendly's it was and boy was it delicious. We even made a pit stop at BRU and walked around checking out all the new stuff. I'm starting to get excited about telling the kids. I want to make it something special so I've gotta get creative. So there's the recap. Next milestone the u/s at 12 weeks 2 days. Can't wait to see our baby looking like a real baby. I've never had an u/s at 12 weeks and I'm so excited. 35 more sleeps to go. lol

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