Friday, November 6, 2009

Baked Ziti at 9am anyone else?

So I think I have my first official craving. This morning shortly after dropping the kids at school I had an overwhelming urge for Sbarros baked ziti. I tried pushing the idea out of my head being as Sbarros is all the way up at the Springfield Mall but the craving followed me all day. Finally I gave in to a bowl of buttered noodles. Carbs! My tummy has been quite nauseous today. Which is a good thing. Yesterday and the day before I had been feeling great and got really worried that something was wrong. But today I fished my wish because the nausea was back in full swing. Only 3 more sleeps to go until the ultrasound. Ugh! So many things racing through my mind. Will there be a heartbeat? Will there be two heartbeats? Will they be able to tell if it's conjoined twins again? Will they tell me my fluid looks low? So many worries being pregnant but I wouldn't give it up for the world. I knew this would be 40 weeks worth of worry. But I'm ready for it, one day at a time. I still have that wet leaking feeling. I think that has me most worried now. If I still feel like that after the u/s on Monday I may swing by the midwives just to talk with them about it. That's what they get paid the big bucks for right? Alright well my baked ziti should be here any minute. I had to make due with an order of it from Sue's Kitchen. Let's hope they can compare.

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