Monday, November 2, 2009

Another day of nausea

Today is 30 dpo. I am 6 weeks 2 days pregnant. My ticker says that the baby or babies are developing arm and leg buds and are about the size of a grain of rice. It's amazing that something so small can cause such ruckus with a mother's body. I'm exhausted and sick all day everyday. On one hand I love it because I can easily be reassured that everything is okay on the other hand my house is falling apart and my responsibilities are piling up. Today I napped on the couch for 2 hours instead of going food shopping. At least Burt is understanding and he pitches in when he sees I'm starting to get bogged down. Only 7 more sleeps until the much awaited u/s. I'm still so p in the air about whether I wish for it to be twins or just one. With one I am guaranteed to be able to stay with the midwives. With two I'll probably have to switch doctors and now that I've worked it all out with the midwives I'd really hate to leave them. But boy oh boy would twins be fun and exciting. I know I'll be even more of a nervous wreck but I definitely think they'd be worth it. But it's in God's hands. I just want a healthy baby. Two would be a bonus! Again, I send up prayers and ask my God to give us a healthy beautiful baby.

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