Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What a crybaby!

I admit! I am! I'm a big crybaby! It's got to be those pregnancy hormones. Lately every baby show I watch I cry. I cry when the mother gives birth. I cry when they bring the baby home for the first time. I even cried when I checked up on the ttc with clomid board on Ivillage. I'm a mess. I think this time around I'm having every pregnancy symptom one can have. I watched pregnancy for dummies -1st trimester yesterday and could relate with every symptom they named. Frequent urination-check! Sore bb's- check! Nausea-check! Fatgue, hungry all the time, emotional- check! check! and check! Now the count down is on until my 12 week NT scan on Dec 14th. It still seems so far away but I know with each passing day I'm getting that much closer. I just can't wait to see our pumpkin actually looking like a baby. More importantly I can't wait to surprise the kids although I have to say I am a bit saddened because I know they won't be as excited as last time. I'm worried they too might be a bit reserved. I really just want to get to the stage of the game where my tummy is big and they can feel the baby kicking. Then I think it will be real to them. We've made so many trips to Babies R Us over the years that I just think this baby thing seems like it will never happen for them. I hate rushing my life but c'mon 40 weeks just get here already!! Today I am 8 weeks 3 days. I'm starting to get excited for Christmas. I love the month of December. Not only am I not concerned about money but I love the Christmas feel. I love the Christmas music in stores. I love all the good sales. And I love making memories with my babies. Although I do miss Burt being as he works so much. What's that saying again? Absence makes the heart grow fonder! Luckily his three months off work will be the most exciting times of this pregnancy. We'll be finding out the gender the end of January I believe and can start out shopping after that. So exciting!!

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