Friday, September 23, 2011

August 12, 2011- 2nd appointment down

Midwife appointment number 2! I've lost 2 pounds since my last appointment. Not bad. My blood pressure was great. No urine sample. Yay! Amanda came with us for this visit. I think she wanted some time out of the house. We left the big kids sitting in the waiting room as I usually do when they come. They play their DS and my phone and enjoy it. Becca spent a little bit of time chatting with Alexa. She kept telling me how beautiful she is. We once again went back and forth on when my due date is. The first ultrasound had me due on February 23rd. My calculations (based on our oopsie moment, May 28th) have me due on February 20th. The midwives due date (I have no idea what this is based on) has me due on February 19th. For now I'm sticking with the February 20th due date as that is on a Monday and that makes it easy for me to remember when to change weeks. Becca said "We'll go with that". not much talk about Scooby Snack. We tried to hear the heartbeat with the doppler but no such luck. That of course put me on high alert. The only other time we couldn't hear the heartbeat at 12 weeks was when I was pregnant with the twins. For now it's just a teeny tiny voice in my head that says something might be wrong. By Monday, the day of my next ultrasound, that voice may be screaming at me and I'll be scared to death to go to my NT scan. My blood tests came back good. I'm not HIV positive, nor do I have any other STD's. Go me! Just joking. There better not have been any or somebody would've had a whole lot of explaining to do. She also told me that I am O+ blood type. I have always been pretty sure I was but now I know for sure. Again it came up that I am not immune to Rubella. After I gave birth to Alexa thy told me that there was a shortage of the vaccine so I never received it. After this baby is born I will receive the MMR vaccine. At one point we both had a good chuckle about the size of my chart. I guess it had gotten so big that someone decided to retire it and start a new chart for me. With 6 pregnancies, 1 miscarriage, 1 high risk pregnancy with conjoined twins and 1 pregnancy ending with HELLP and pre-eclampsia I suppose there was a lot to chart. Not this time. I intend for this pregnancy to be completely uncomplicated and of course end with an amazing epidural and a beautiful healthy baby.

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