Friday, September 23, 2011

June 16th, 2011- A welcomed surprise!

I'm pretty sure I don't have to go into all the details about how this welcomed surprise came into our life. You can probably figure that out. Although it is important to recall some details. May 28th was definitely the day. I remember it well. Not because I was charting or in trying to conceive mode this time. I remember it because it was our first oops moment since Alexa had been born. I remember checking my calendar right after the fact. I was only cd 18, still could've been too early to ovulate. I made a short note in my "My Days" app and we went about our night. 5 days later I had laser surgery on my cervix. I hope that doesn't play a major role in this pregnancy but in case it does the facts are here. The morning of the laser surgery they did a blood pregnancy test. It came out negative of course because even though I must've been preggo my body showed no signs of it yet. The egg may not have even implanted by that time. The days passed. I was so consumed by Alexa's party planning that I gave the idea of pregnancy little thought. Only when I checked my "My Days" app again did I even realize that on June 15th I would've been on cd 35. Even for me that was getting to be a bit long. That night I dug in the bathroom cabinet and discovered I had a digital pregnancy test still left over from my pregnancy with the youngest McCabe. I checked the expiration date . Not expired until July. Score! I left the test in the cabinet and went to bed. I knew if I didn't have my period by the morning that I should take the test. June 16th I woke up ready to celebrate my little miracle's 1st birthday! I stumbled into the bathroom and put in my contacts, peed, and took the test. I sat there as the little hour glass blinked. I wonder if the people who invented those tests thought about the effect that that little hourglass would have on millions of women trying to conceive. I remember staring at that hour glass time and time again when we were trying to get pregnant almost two years prior. I used to stare as it blinked and blinked and I'd imagine the word pregnant there. This time was quite different. I really don't think I was expecting to see the result that I did, but POP! There it was. Clear as day. PREGNANT. I hurried up and hid the test. I had a birthday girl to get out of her crib. Abby, Nathan and I walked into her room singing "Happy Birthday". My baby girl was one. What a happy day! The rest of the morning time seemed as if time was standing still. I got Alexa dressed in her special "Birthday Girl" shirt and bib. We waited for Daddy to get back from a quick run to his friend's house. The wait seemed like hours. I was worried about how he'd take the news. We had always talked about wanting to have another baby close in age to Alexa. We loved watching Abby and Nathan grow into best friends and we always assumed it was because of how close in age they were. We knew we wanted the same for Alexa. We just didn't know that we wanted it right now. When he came in he made a beeline to the sink. There was a sinkful of dishes from the night before calling his name. As he washed the dishes I grabbed Alexa and handed her the pregnancy test. I stood her up a few feet from Burt and let her walk towards him. I said to Burt, "The birthday girl is behind you". He immediately turned around and started singing "Happy Birthday" to her. He sang the whole song and never once saw the test in her hand. It wasn't until I said, "Alexa, Daddy isn't very observant today" that he turned around and took notice. "You're pregnant?!?!?!", he said. I just looked at him and nodded. We both stood there in shock for a few minutes. We discussed how Alexa would be 20 or 21 months old before the baby was even born. By the end of the conversation Burt was feeling overwhelmed but excited. My mind was still racing though. I just has this laser surgery. What effect did the anesthesia have on the baby? Would my cervix be capable of even carrying this pregnancy to term? And of course with our passed pregnancies not far from my thoughts...was this little baby okay in there? All of these thoughts had to wait. Afterall, I had a one year old to celebrate!

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