Friday, September 23, 2011

Written July 14, 2011- Scooby Snack's 1st Ultrasound

During my initial meeting and pregnancy confirmation at the midwives I was given a referral for an ultrasound to be done by the perinatologists at Delaware County. Since being pregnant with the twins I am almost guaranteed an early ultrasound. It is great for easing my worries and the midwives know that I am a worry wart. This time I had an additional reason for the early ultraound. This time they wanted to check my cervical length too. One of the complications of the laser surgery on pregnancy is that sometimes the cervix can shorten too soon with the weight from the baby. I have an appointment on July 25th.

In other baby bump news I have been feeling extremely nauseous. The nausea turned on like a light switch on the day of Alexa's party. I have only actually thrown up once but the sick feeling just never goes away. I'm sure if it weren't for my complete hatred of throwing up I would've done so a few times. There are times when I just have to sit quietly and breathe slowly so that I can get rid of the urge. The midwives have taken mercy on me and prescribed some anti-nausea med. First I started out on reglan. It didn't seem to do much. Then they prescribed phernegran (a suppository) and I refused to even try it. Finally my insurance approved zofran. The midwives seemed to think this would be the answer. Unfortunately I'm still gagging and suffering almost non stop. I pray that there's only a couple more weeks of this and then my hormone levels should level out a bit. The good news that came from all of my sickness is that the midwives want me to have an u/s done even earlier then July 25th to rule out twins. They said with my "history of twins" and my exaggerated nausea it wouldn't hurt to have an ultrasound done in radiology.

July 7th was the day. Burt came along with me as usual. My appointment was for 10:15am so I started drinking my 32 ozs of water at 9:30am. We arrived at radiology at 10:00. I thought for sure being early was a good thing and that maybe they'd take me back earlier. No such luck! 11:00 came and went and I was ready to pee my pants. I paced the hallway just waiting to be called. Finally when I was on the verge of having an accident the tech brought us back. I told her I didn't know how long I might be able to hold it in. It wasn't my fault that they were running an hour behind schedule. She said she'd do a quick abdominal one but that we probably wouldn't see the baby that way. She kept to her word and after getting a few shots of my ovaries I was allowed to pee. Sweet relief!! As soon as we started the vaginal u/s Burt spotted the baby. Just one little bean in there. Snuggled in. A heartbeat of 163 bpm. She showed Burt the sac, the baby and the heartbeat. I finally got a glimpse of the baby right before she wrapped it up. A sweet little Scooby Snack! The tech printed me out two pictures. Neither one was very good. For some reason the radiology department prints their pictures on computer paper. They're never clear and this time the tech even cut the paper so that the only part you could try to see was the baby. Weird. Needless to say I am excited for the ultrasound on the 25th where I'll actually get a good look at what will be our 4th living child.

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