Friday, September 23, 2011

August 9, 2011- Boy or Girl?

I am 12 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I was hoping that this "all different times of the day on and off" sickness would've turned off by yesterday, but no such luck. For some reason the smell of my upstairs makes me gag to a point of almost throwing up every time I go up there. I think it has to do with the fact that it's so dry up there and there isn't much circulation throughout the day. I keep all the windows closed and maybe I shouldn't. I've resorted to keeping a can of powder fresh air freshener up there to spray as soon as I walk up. It's the weirdest things that really set my gag reflex off. Yesterday I drank a small cup of hot tea and felt sick for at least an hour afterwards. I'm having a hard time eating anything past 4 o'clock. I'm always hungry but don't want to eat anything. This little one is really giving me a run for my money. In so many ways this pregnancy seems a bit more hard on me. My gut instinct is pointing me to think it's a boy. And for the first time ever I really have no preference. Thus far with all of my pregnancies I have preferred one gender over the other and have gotten exactly what I wanted. With this pregnancy everyone is hoping for a boy. A boy would round out the bunch 2 girls, 2 boys. Girl, boy, girl, boy. Kind of fun. And it might be nice for Alexa to keep some of the attention on her as she would be the youngest girl. Besides, I don't know if I could keep up with making hair bows for three girls. Then I get to thinking and a girl would be a perfect playmate for Alexa. They'd be so close in age throughout life and they'd be able to share so many fun activities and memories. Besides girls are super fun to dress. Either way all I really want is a healthy baby. I visited the Heart Breaking Choice website last night. I don't know what's been pulling me there. Maybe some deeply buried fears. Some thoughts of "could this happen to me again?!". A scary thought of course as we're all becoming pretty attached to the idea of having another newborn to cuddle come February. My NT scan is coming up too. This scan is when I got a slightly elevated chance of down syndrome when pregnant with Alexa. And I remember it sent me into a frenzy of worry. I'm hoping it's smooth sailing and that my blood work comes back with numbers that won't make anyone question the health of this little Scooby Snack.

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