Friday, September 23, 2011

July 25th, 2011- 10 weeks

The good news is the morning sickness is fading. I'm 10 weeks today. I no longer wake up feeling like I'm going to be sick. Sometimes throughout the day I get waves of nausea but a quick gag or two and I'm back to feeling like myself again. My energy is beginning to return little by little. It's nice to finally feel human again and I'm sure the kids are enjoying having their Mommy back too.

Today is a semi big day in Scooby Snack's life. Today at 11:30am I go for an ultrasound at the perinatologist's office. They'll be checking my cervical length for a base number. That way as I get further into my pregnancy we'll be able to tell if it's thinning out at all. They'll also be double checking that we don't have another set of conjoined twins in there. I'm happy to get another peek at the munchkin and hopefully a good picture. Abby is coming with me. She's really excited. A part of me is nervous. I guess the worry will never go away although my anxiety is nowhere near as high as it was at this point in my pregnancy with Alexa. See what a healthy pregnancy and baby will do for your mental health?

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