Friday, September 23, 2011

July 25th, 2011 (con't)- Great ultrasound!

Last blog update I was heading out for my ultrasound at the perinatologist's office. I brought Abby along since I was fairly certain we wouldn't be getting any bad news at this visit. Terrible how that has to be one of my first thoughts but I will never forget how hard it was trying to hold it together for the kids after receiving the bad news about the twins. The u/s tech wasn't the most friendly tech we've had but she was at least a bit informative if I asked the right questions. We did an abdominal ultrasound and pretty quickly she found the baby. It's always king of weird to see them at this stage of development. They're starting to look like a real baby but they're still very disproportionate. The baby's head was much bigger then the body, but we did get to see little arm and leg buds wiggling around. I forgot to ask what the baby's heart rate was but I know I saw it beating beautifully. I even saw the placenta which had only started to form in the previous week or so. She did a quick check of my cervical length and then left us in the room to wait to speak with the doctor. At first I was a bit worried as I had never been left in the ultrasound room to wait to speak with the doctor with any of my ultrasounds with Alexa. But soon I felt more confident because I didn't think you could really tell if anything was wrong with the baby this early on. What bad news could there have been? I saw a heartbeat. I saw a wiggly little peanut. The doctor came into the room and left quickly. Everything was fine. I scheduled my NT scan for August 15th. I may be a bit more nervous for that one. For now everything looks great and I'm enjoying the thought of having another snuggle buddy come February.

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