Friday, September 23, 2011

June 16, 2011 (con't)- Announcements

I'm always weary about announcing my pregnancy to friends and family. There's always that small thought in the back of my mind...What if I loose this baby? So I wait. When I was pregnant with Alexa I told some close friends and family after the first ultrasound showing a heartbeat. Others I waited for the 12 week ultrasound. Waiting is hard. It's especially hard in regards to Abby and Nathan. They have super sonic hearing and hear everything. If the kids were to be left in the dark Burt and I just wouldn't be able to talk about this pregnancy. I wasn't quite sure what to do. Burt fixed that for me. Shortly after he learned of the news he came out to the living room where the kids and I were sitting. He made it short and sweet and blurted it out. "Mommy is pregnant guys". I'd be lying if I wasn't a bit shocked but mostly I felt relief. Abby seemed a bit reserved at first. Nathan was excited immediately. We all talked about how nice it would be to have a little boy to round out the bunch. Soon after that Daddy left for work I talked more with Abby. Her initial response to the news had me a little worried. What was she thinking? After talking with her for a few minutes I realized my fears were silly. She was very excited! Probably more so then Nathan, but both kids talked about it all day. Before we announced it to anyone else I knew we had to find a cute way to tell my Mom and Amanda. I decided on buying Alexa a "Big Sister" t-shirt from Carters and wrapping it in a box. We let Alexa open the gift right after cake that night. Burt held it up and there was complete silence. Did they not understand it Were they not happy? I finally said, "if Alexa is a big sister, what does that mean?" and then it dawned on them. Everyone was a bit quiet after that. I'm pretty sure that most of it had to do with the tension that was already there about my mom moving to Amsterdam. Maybe she was sad about the idea of missing out on a grandchild. I'll never know, but I was definitely disappointed. After we broke the news to them everyone else was just easy. I think I called Cindy and told her. Shannon knew even before Burt. I blurted it out on rose's facebook page in hopes that it would make her call me ASAP. And of course my JB Mommas knew right away. I still hadn't made a general facebook announcement though. Those people could wait until I had my ultrasound. Giving immediate friend and family bad news would be much easier then having to tell the 150 something facebook acquaintances I have.

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