Saturday, April 3, 2010


No, not pain from being pregnant but pain from stupidity. Burt left his weights right in the middle of the living room floor and I tripped and scraped and bruised the top of my foot. All day I've been in flip flops and kept it pretty stabilized and now that they're off I am hurting!! More importantly though I'm excited to say that we definitely have a little girl coming. All along I've had a gut feeling telling me that this little one is going to come out with some surprise boy parts. I've loved shopping for little girl things but have had a nagging feeling telling me to keep all the tags on and to keep all the receipts. Well, at our 4D ultrasound yesterday it was confirmed. She is a she! We saw the three white lines and the tech confirmed what i had already known, that there is no mistakes when you see those three white lines. So yay for pink! The ultrasound was amazing. How cool it was to see her little face. When we started the u/s she had her hands and arms up and blocking her face. Her one hand was covering her ear. We got a really cool shot of her hand wide open. The tech was a bit frustrated with her position though. The fact that she had cuddled herself right up next to my placenta didn't help me either. She literally had her face straight into it. Quite the cuddler we have on our hands. After a few minutes of trying to shake her into another position the tech had me drink a berry juice box and try walking around a bit. On the next try she had moved her hands away from her face but was still nestled into the placenta. We got quite a few cute profile pics and one or two frontal pictures of her face and then she moved her hands back up. Little one likes her privacy. We took another break and he told me to try to make her uncomfortable so she'd move. I tried bending over a bunch of times to squish her a bit. I was even desperate enough to think about doing some sit ups. One last attempt yielded the same results and we were given the two minute warning and he asked if there was anything else we'd like to take a look at. I took full advantage of this time and made him triple check her gender. Alexa looked beautiful and it made me all the more excited to see her. I was happy with the shots we got but it seemed as if the tech wasn't. He had his wife offer for us to come back in one week to try for a few better shots. I was thrilled. One more look at my baby and it's free?! Love it! So next Friday we have another appointment scheduled at 4:45pm. I'm anxious to see if she's moved into another position although my gut tells me she's quite comfortable where she's at. I'm determined to drink a ton of water and just hope for the best.

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