Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Another appointment under my belt

Today was the first of my every two week appointments. I'm 28 weeks and 4 days. And am officially (well have been for a few days now) into my 3rd trimester. Appointment went well. Nothing dramatic which is good for an OB appointment. Had my weight taken. Up 3 pounds, I think. Mostly water and pee weight though I am sure. I've been drinking water like crazy to get ready for this u/s and I had to pee like a racehorse. But either way 3 pounds is not bad. My blood pressure I believe was 124/78. And then off to see Becca. Right away I showed her the 3D pictures. She liked them but wasn't as excited as I would've liked. But she has said in the past that she doesn't like them and thinks all the babies look like aliens. I mentioned the letter I got from my insurance company telling me that the midwives will no longer accept Keystone Mercy and she said don't worry about it because I am already a patient there. That was a relief. And then we got to here the pumpkin's heartbeat. Miss Alexa even let loose a couple of kicks while we were listening. Overall the appointment seemed quick and boring. Now that I feel her kicking away the appointments give me less and less comfort. Oh yea and I asked about my glucose test and she said I came in right under the cutoff. The cutoff is 135 and I was 131. Pheeeew! And she really liked my iron levels. I'm such a good OB patient. Now I'm off to drink some more water. It seems that i drank more when I wasn't being forced to do it. Fingers crossed that we get some more really good pictures on Friday. And please baby Alexa move away from that placenta!

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