Sunday, February 6, 2011

The mystery has been solved

Her chin has been red for quite a few weeks now. It would come and go. Red one day. Fine the next. I asked the pediatrician about it and they suggested it was just dry skin from the winter months and told me to keep vaseline or Aquaphor on it. I did as they told me for a few days with no improvement. I finally started a little detective work of my own. I started to notice that it was worse in the morning and at night right before bedtime. As I pieced it together more I realized it was the worst after eating dinner and breakfast. The wipes! The wipes were the culprit. We use Walmart brand baby wipes. For selfish reasons mostly. I love the smell of them! It seems that Alexa's face doesn't like them so much. Since then I've been wetting one of her burp clothes with water and wiping her face after meals. Her chin has cleared up. Yay Detective Mommy!

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