Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Coughing coughing coughing

Ack! I'm so tired of hearing my baby coughing. Will she ever breathe without coughing?! I think she has another cold. It seems this time she has a runny nose too. We started her back on soy formula. So far so good. She seems a bit cranky but I'm wondering how much of that is from the cold and how much is from the formula switch. Tonight my mom stopped over for a visit. As soon as my mom crouched down and tried to talk to her in her exersaucer Alexa started bawling. One day she'll love mom mom, but for now, not so much! She's just a mommy and daddy's girl. Oh wait and an Abby and Nathan's girl. She'll go to any of us but no one else. Silly baby!

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