Saturday, March 31, 2012


Nothing is more rewarding as a mom then the 1st time your newborn smiles. You go weeks and weeks with no acknowledgment that you even exist to them other then the crying and grunting to be fed and changed when all of a sudden they smile and you feel like it's all been worth it. You feel a new connection. One where you feel appreciated and loved. Jackson first smiled for Daddy on March 27th (5 weeks 1 day) and while I wish it was me, because let's face it I do most of the work, it was super cute to see. He had Jackson laying on the arm of the couch and was talking to him and making silly faces when all of a sudden his whole face lit up. He suddenly looked so different. He has two great big dimples! Since then I have been talking silly and in a very high pitched voice looking very goofy all in an effort to see him smile at me. While I thought maybe I saw him smile yesterday I know for sure that he did today. And now it's 4am and we're wide awake together and he's all smiles. I rub his cheek and his chin and he smiles super big. It's melting my heart! Being a stay at home mom doesn't give me a paycheck but tonight I feel like I just got paid.

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