Saturday, March 17, 2012

Big Sister

These days the most frequently asked question is, "How is Alexa handling having a new baby around?" The answer is AMAZINGLY! Every one of my fears was completely irrational. She has become a 3rd mother around here. When he cries she finds a binky. When he stinks she holds her nose and says "baby". She covers him with his blanket. She lightly taps his back when I'm burping him. She loves to hold his bottle when I feed him and she's always asking to hold him. All of a sudden my baby girl seems so grown up! I haven't noticed not one sign of jealousy. In fact the only change in her behavior was a bit of rebelling against me. She loves when Jackson touches her. Whatever body part he touches she must run up to me and show me. She purposely puts her face really close to his hands so that when he moves he'll touch her. It's hilarious! Lately she's been acting like she's going to kiss him but she just puts her lips on his lips and freezes. I think she likes it when he inevitably tries to eat her lips. She thinks he's kissing her. She has also been lightly rubbing her lips all over his face. Almost as if she wants to feel his soft skin. My baby is now a big sister and loving every minute of it!!

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