Jackson boy, my son my son! Can you really be 3 weeks old? In many ways it feels like you've been a part of our family for so long and in others it feels like just yesterday that we were in the hospital.
This week I've noticed the most change in how much time you spend awake. Some of my favorite moments of the day are spent just staring into your eyes. It's something so peaceful and calming. You seem to really love it too because you will work so hard to position yourself so that you can see me while I hold you on my chest.
Well in keeping with the pattern here goes a little about your 3rd week of life...
Feeding: Nothing much has changed about your feeding schedule. You're still eating 4 oz every 4 hours. Sometimes at night you go longer stretches without eating. This makes Mommy very happy because it also means you're sleeping longer stretches. This week I've noticed that you've been spitting up a bit more. Nothing that alarms me or even comes close to the amount of spit up I had to deal with from your big sister Alexa, but it does give me a chance to use the adorable embroidered burp cloths that Cindy has made for me.
Sleep/Awake Time: Like I said above, you have been spending more time awake this week and everyone loves it. Mommy, Abby and Nathan all fight over who gets to hold you when you're awake. Sometimes you'll sit so contently in your boppy just looking around. Other times you want to be held up on my shoulder and you lift (and hold) your head up looking all over. You're coming out of that newborn sleeps all day stage and becoming more alive. Even your facial features and expressions seem more vibrant these past few days. Nighttime sleeping has been coming in longer stretches too. You slept for 5 hours straight at 19 days old. I could've kissed you when you woke up after 5 hours...oh wait, I did kiss you. Thanks for the sleep son.
Diapering- Have I mentioned how much you hate having your diaper changed? You cry so loudly and it breaks my heart. Sometimes when the big kids or Daddy are around I have them come sit by your head while I change you on the couch and they hold your arms and hands up closely to your chest and gently shush you in your ear. This usually keeps you calm and makes it a bit less traumatic for both you and I. It's been awhile since I changed a baby boy's diaper. Take it easy on me.
Clothing- This week the home health care nurse came to the house to check on us. Why is this relevant to your clothing size you ask? Well when she was here she weighed you and you now weigh 11lbs 1 oz. You have gained almost an entire pound since you were born. And now today when I put your green rhino outfit on you, which is Carters size 3 months, I've noticed that it's getting a bit short. You are such a big boy! Slow down...Momma's heart needs you to stay little for as long as you can.
Outings- We've been very busy this week and you don't seem to mind. You sleep through most of our outings. This past week we've had to drive Daddy into work every morning and pick him up every afternoon. This usually equates to a quick shopping trip. This week we went to JoAnne's, Old Navy, Five Below, Pathmark and Walmart. Everywhere we go someone stops to ask me how old you are and to tell me how gorgeous you are. Not exactly what a little boy wants to be called but I can assure you it's a compliment. You're adorable!
Bath Time- The most exciting milestone of the week was that you had your very first bath on Sunday night. When the home health care nurse came out I asked her to check out your belly button. I explained to her about how the inside was still not dry at your last doctors visit and that I was told to hold off on your bath. She checked it and cleaned it a bit with alcohol like Mommy does and then gave me the go ahead. She said it looks great and was dry. Sunday night after putting Alexa to bed Mommy, Daddy, Abby, and Nate gathered around the tub and shared in that milestone. Mommy of course did the washing and Daddy took the pictures. You screamed and hollered so it was a quick one but boy do you smell baby fresh now!
Baby boy, I can't tell you enough how much I love you. Even at 21 days old I'm sure you're sick of hearing it. Keep on being amazing kiddo!
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