Wednesday, March 2, 2011

1st cold of the season

Enjoying her 1st cheese curl which of course she loved!
"Freeze! You're under arrest!"--Silly Daddy!

Lots of new junk foods to try. Mmmmm! Hardened rice crispy treats make nice chew toys!
And they make a cool noise when you bonk yourself on the head with one!

Not so happy with the diced apples

Alexa's 1st bubble bath. Now she smells like lavendar and had a blast.

Her new toy and her new trick--kneeling to play

The little lady has her first cold/sickness since having whooping cough/pertussis at 6 weeks old. I knew I was getting sick yesterday when I woke up with a sore throat. Sure enough her and I started coughing last night. Other then the cough though she seems to be doing well. It's not even a wet yucky cough...YET! But it did give me tons of flashbacks of those horrible days and nights of coughing. All the times she stopped breathing. The hospital stay. The worry. The tears. The sleeping in the swing and waking up every 20 minutes at night. That tension in the pit of my stomach minute after minute. I remember the doctors at Children's saying to me "She will breathe again. " And just repeating that to myself over and over again. Even though he had no guarantees that she would pull through it something about the calmness of his voice helped me get through ever mucousy stressed breath she took. Ah! I used to think to myself "One day this will all be a memory". She was eating 10 ozs a day and struggled to gain even a few ounces for weeks. Now she's yelling and moaning for big people food and I'm sure has well surpassed 17lbs. And it's all a horrible memory.

On to happier times. She's learning new tricks everyday. Today I noticed that she was intentionally leaning over from a sitting position to get into a crawling position. She's even almost got the hang of going from a tummy time position to a sitting position. But boy is she still lazy! No crawling yet. She moves. Just not in any traditional way of crawling. She pushes herself backwards and can turn on a dime. Sometimes I can't wait for her to crawl and other times I'm enjoying all the baby-ness she'll let me hold on to.

She was so silly today. As we were all just sitting around hanging out Daddy started playing the music in his cell phone's ring tone list. When he got to this one she started dancing. I laughed so hard I almost peed myself.

She has also started trying to pull herself up onto her knees to kneel at her toys. And she loves being set up in that position in her crib to play peek a boo behind the crib bumpers. She sticks her hand thru the bars and tries to grab my face. She has gained a new nickname too. We now call her woodpecker because she likes to bang her binkie (while it's in her mouth) onto the side of the crib. Oh yea and "Kiss the baby" a fun game played in the bathroom mirror has become a huge hit too! She's a bundle of fun and I couldn't love her more.

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