Sunday, March 20, 2011

Growing and changing every day

Again I update with so many changes. On Saturday March 12th Alexa crawled for the first time. This was 4 days before she turned 9 months old. F-i-n-a-l-l-y! We were all sitting around eating lunch getting ready to head out to go swimming at the YMCA. I happened to look down at her playing on her tummy on the floor and she did it. Out of no where she just did it! So then I scooted her back and told everyone to watch her. I put a mozzarella stick on a plate on the floor a few feet from her and sure enough she did it again. We all clapped and cheered. I rewarded her with a cherry dum dum, her first one ever and she loved it!

It was around this time that she really started to master pulling herself up onto her knees. She'd do it holding onto the recliner, the coffee table, my leg, wherever she could. I knew it was only a matter of a few days before she started pulling up to standing. Sure enough on her 9 month birthday she did that too and even cruised along the table! Burt and I couldn't be any prouder. But soon we remembered why we enjoyed her immobility so much. Boy is she getting into everything! Her favorite thing to do by far though is to crawl to the coffee table and stand there holding on. She's just so happy with herself.

Last night Nathan had her chasing after a box of corner guards we bought from BRU. Every time she'd get close to the box he'd pull it away again. She's crawl as fast she she could to the box again and he'd pull it away. He actually got her to crawl from the living room to the dining room and back again. This has been the most crawling she's done at once. I'm enjoying every second with her. Never again will I take for granted my ability to get pregnant. For now I think of her as being my last baby even though we plan on trying to conceive again in June.

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