Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Love to watch you learn


As your nine month birthday rolls around I'm forced to think back again on these past months and think about how much you've changed. From my "chicken little" to my "baby bear". I've watched you learn some of the most basic skills and yet I couldn't be prouder. I remember those first few tries at tummy time that prepared you for holding up your head that prepared you for rolling over that prepared you for sitting up that prepared you for getting up on all fours and now here I sit glancing over at you while you're trying to crawl. You're such a happy baby and that makes everyone happy. If someone looks at you you smile. If someone talks to you in the grocery store you smile. Your social skills are great and everyone enjoys being around you. You make people happy. Most importantly you are happy. You've changed our lives in so many ways. Every one of us is different now because you're here. Abby is so much more patient. She's a teacher and loves to show you new things. She has learned a selflessness that I haven't yet seen in her. The other day I watched her as she let you bang on her prized keyboard. Never would she let your brother do that but you, no problem! You were having fun so she was happy to let you do it. You love her and you light up when she smiles at you. One day I hope for you two to be the best of friends. To share secrets, to turn to one another for advice or just a shoulder to cry on. I sometimes think of future holidays and think about how full of laughter our house will be when you both have children of your own and we sit down for Thanksgiving dinner. Nathan has become so much more nurturing. He loves to help you do things. And he's the best at making you laugh. Everything he does is silly to you. You stare at him just waiting for his next move. He's your big brother, your protector and he does a great job at it. Daddy has learned a softer side of himself. He too is so protective over you. God forbid Mommy grabs your arm too fast when I'm dressing you! I've learned to never take things for granted, Every day is a miracle and I'm so lucky to be able to kiss you good morning everyday. For so long I thought I would never have this chance again. I thought my luck had run out. But God was only letting my heart grow bigger so that I could love you the way I needed to. You've taught me to trust in His plan. He knew I needed you to make my heart whole again and you're even better then I could have ever wished for. I love you Alexa Lynn and I hope to live a long long time letting you know it every day!

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