Friday, March 5, 2010

All moved in

I knew this week would be a hard one but never anticipated it being this hard! I think because the kids still have to go to school it's been hard to juggle a normal routine and this hectic moving life. On the 27th we got the moving truck and got everything over here. That in and of itself was an accomplishment. You never realize just how much stuff you have accumulated until your forced to shove it into boxes and carry it up and down the stairs. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were all spent organizing, throwing away things, and shopping for things to help up organize better. We've got most of the shelves hung and now I'm moving onto hanging pictures and painting the dresser. Then I'll be all set to work on the baby's room. I've been using that as my motivation to get this stuff done. I am wiped!! On the baby front...I had a bit of a scare on the 1st of the month. It was about 6pm when I realized I hadn't felt our baby girl move in awhile. At first i just assumed it was because I'd been so busy and had been moving around non stop all day. Maybe I rocked her to sleep or something or maybe just didn't realize she was moving because I was so busy. That calmed me down for a few minutes and saved me from a panic attack. I went ahead and downed a glass of soda and a honey bun. Sugar always works for me in getting her tiny heine up and kicking. After about 15 minutes of laying on the couch I was still only feeling small movements. Nothing like the usual hard kicks and punches I've been getting. My nerves were in high gear. I went to bed and just prayed that everything was okay. By the next morning she was up and moving around like normal. I was smiling from ear to ear but even more excited inside. It's so reassuring to feel her move. Oh yea and Daddy got to feel her kicking on Saturday (moving day). I was exactly 23 weeks. We were laying in bed dreading having to get up for the day. Miss Alexa was doing gymnastics inside and I told Daddy now would be a good time to try and feel her. He put his hand on my tummy and sure enough within the minute she gave a nice hard swift kick. We both smiled. Soon after that he got up to get in the shower. I came in the bathroom a few minutes later. As soon as he heard me in there he started talking about how it all feels so real to him now. And about all the things we need to do to get ready for her. Very cute actually. I am now 23 weeks and 6 days. Moving right along. No problems to report:::knocking on wood::: I would give some tidbits of info on baby at 24 weeks but I've been so busy I haven't got to read about it yet. Actually I think I'm going to make some time to do it now. No time like the present!!

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