Monday, March 22, 2010

I hope I don't have to drink that again for a long while!

Week 26 and I had another doctor's appointment today. I am actually 26 weeks and 2 days pregnant. My appointment today was for 10:30 and Daddy came along for what will probably be the last time. He starts back to work soon and won't be able to make it. I had to drink that yucky glucose drink today too. It's the one they use to test for gestational diabetes and boy is it nasty! I gagged a bunch and just generally hated it! I don't remember it being this bad with Abby or Nate but then again my gag reflex has been terrible this pregnancy. Fingers crossed there won't be a 3 hour test to follow. My blood pressure seemed a little wacky today. It was something like 132/64. The top number was a bit high but the bottom number was low so Becca wasn't too concerned. She said had the bottom number been a bit higher she'd have it retaken but nothing to worry about thus far. I am now officially down 1 pound from my prepregnancy weight. And we listened to our little Alexa's heartbeat and it was nice and strong. This was actually the first time that we got right over her back and heard it loud and clear. Every other time we've only been above the umbilical cord and it's been muffled. We talked a bit about breastfeeding and I told them I was pretty much decided against it but was still willing to keep the option out there. The most exciting thing about the entire appointment was scheduling all or almost all of my 2 week appointments. It just makes me feel like the time is coming close. Might I actually get to hold and hug and kiss my sweet precious baby girl. It almost seems to good to be true. The nerves seem to be creeping back up again. I was relaxed for a few weeks after the anatomy scan but now that the 3D ultrasound is coming up I'm worried again. I'm worried that they might find something wrong on that scan that wasn't found by the doctors. I pray everyday that this little one is okay but we won't know for sure until she's here I suppose. My next fear is that when we go to this ultrasound we might find out that little Lexi is a he and not a she. We've bought was too many pink things to even let my mind go there. And lastly as the end is coming near I'm worried about something happening to her in there. I think it's still part of this "Is it too good to be true?" feeling that I'm having but the fear is creeping near. I would be devastated to loose her now. I've had even more time to bond with her then I did the twins and I just can't bare the thought. Luckily I have her little legs kicking up a storm in there to comfort me when I worry. Mommy loves you Lexi. Keep on growing and stay put! Our baby girl is now estimated to be 14 inches long and almost 2 pounds. This week she can open her eyes which up until now have been fused shut. I can not wait to get another look at her on this next ultrasound. I am so excited!

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