Saturday, March 13, 2010

15 weeks and counting!

I figure now is a pretty appropriate time to start a countdown. Baby Alexa is doing well. She's a kicking machine. I'm beginning to think she is semi head down. Like diagonal head down or something. Lots of kicks up high and to the right and lots of punches down low and to the left. Silly girl! We have officially started working on her nursery. We started two nights ago by putting together the changing table and dresser. Then Burt went downstairs to watch TV and I went to town folding and putting away all of her cute little clothes. I hung stuff in the closet. Put things away in the totes on her changing table. And sorted through tote after tote of baby stuff. It's amazing how much we have accumulated waiting for her. I have an entire drawer full of toys waiting for her. A closet full of clothes and a dresser full of sleepers, onesies, socks, and blankets. Then last night we put together her crib and I put all of the bedding on it. We rearranged the room where we wanted all the furniture to be and even hung her little flower nightlight. I put together her bouncy seat and took out all the empty totes. Just walking into that room makes me smile. I anticipate quite a few days of just going in there and sitting down on the carpet getting excited for her arrival. I'm hoping the next few weeks pass quickly. I'm so ready to cuddle her and smell her and kiss her. I've been waiting so long. I've ordered a few things online for her too. I'm waiting for them to be shipped. I ordered the stroller yesterday but it won't be shipped until after March 25th. The car seat has been ordered for a few weeks and should be shipped any day now. I even ordered a lot of 10 crocheted headbands. On etsy I found the most adorable costume to use for pictures when she's born. It's a pair of white feather angel wins, a white marabou headband, and a white tutu. I can't wait! I love you my little Alexa. I can't wait to meet you! xoxoxo

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