Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2 years. 730 days. 17,520 hours. 1,051,200 minutes old.

You are TWO. Those words feel so weird coming out of my mouth. The night before your birthday I laid in bed looking thru my old facebook pictures. I labeled all of my albums based on how old you were at the time. I first looked at all of your newborn pictures. I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I remember how cute you looked with your extra large flower bow and headband. I remember all of the nurses commenting on how big it was in comparison to your head. I remember how excited I was waiting for Abby and Nathan to come up to the hospital to meet you. I can still feel the energy there was in the room when they first walked in. Their smiles. Their gentleness. It was an amazing time. I remember sitting in my hospital bed alone with you examining your little fingers and toes and playing dress up with you. I changed you from the plain ole' white long sleeve hospital tee into a bright pink gown and pink headband. I took lots of pictures of you. I had waited so long for you baby girl. So many hours of worrying about ultrasounds, blood tests and movement. It was such a feeling of accomplishment to be sitting in that room holding my baby.

 I slowly made my way thru the rest of the pictures. Some pictures made me smile. Others made me cry. I miss that little baby and all of those milestones and yet I wouldn't exchange this stage of your life for any of the previous stages. Right now you're so fun! Everyday you learn new words and make new faces and play with your toys a new way.

At 24 months you:

~~Wear size 2T shorts and 2T or 3T shirts
~~Wear size 6 or 7 shoe
~~Wear size 5 diapers
~~Has peed on the potty once
~~Love reading a story before bedtime; favorite book- Llama Llama Mad At Mama
~~Loves Yo Gabba Gabba (Gabby), Sesame Street (Meh-Mo), and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Mouse or Gog-Gog)
~~Loves to play with her baby dolls, puzzles, and chapstick
~~Love green beans
~~Love to draw and color with pens and crayons
~~Love to sing songs, especially "The wheels on the bus", "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "How much is Doggie"
~~Love swimming in the pool
~~Want to play in the water table and blow bubbles everyday

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