Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day in the Life of...

April 19, 2012

Alexa- 1 day shy of 22 months
Jackson- 8.5 weeks

7:28am- Nathan wakes me up to ask what he should wear today. I turn my head to see this little face sound asleep. He slept in his cosleeper until 5:30am but then fussed until he was in Momma's arms.

7:40am- The fun REALLY begins. Abby and Nathan are arguing and Abby comes to snitch. I decide it's time to get up and start my full time job as a referee.

7:50am- The princess is awake. We're in the middle of redoing the nursery so we have a half hot pink and black and Dr. Seuss nursery.

8:00- I get both babies dressed. Jackson has been a bit constipated so we celebrate when we find a poopy surprise!

8:35am- Mini photoshoot (3 mini bribery marshmellows included) while we wait for Daddy to get ready for work.

9:25am- Dropped Daddy off at work. Now we're on our way to Dollar Tree and Beckers for some new educational toys.

11:07am- Lunch in the car with Lexa. Wendy's

11:58am- Our new counting animals and sorting tray from our shopping trip

12:00pm- The fun begins! After a mini teaching session on what the colors were and how we would sort them she got started on sorting them herself.

12:18pm- Not bad munchkin!

12:00- 12:20pm- Jackson enjoys some playtime on his mat while me and Lexa play together.

12:20pm- We moved onto lacing. This is one determined little girl!

1:48pm- Now we've gone to the opposite extreme. Instead of constipation Jackson has diarrhea and a sore tooshie. Nothing that sitting around with your booty in the wind can't solve. Time to stop the daily one ounce of apple juice.

12:56pm- Nap time! One of the last few naps in her crib. By next week she'll be sleeping in her new toddler bed and I bet she'll still sleep with her booty in the air.

2:15pm- Jackson FINALLY falls asleep in the travel swing. I start strightening up.

3:00pm- I wake Alexa up from her nap and get ready to pick up the kids from school. We come downstairs and can't find the keys. After 10 minutes of frantically searching I call a friend who I talk to at the school and ask if she can drop the big kids off to me. She agrees and I keep searching.

3:34pm- The big kids are home and I promise $1 to the one that finds the keys.

3:50pm- Abby finds them behind the heater in the living room. Woo-hoo!

4:25 pm- 15 minutes of reading

5:59pm- Daddy's home!

6:05pm- Trip to Walgreens for doggies and Pathmark for formula with Alexa. It's amazing how easy it is to shop with one child.

7:00pm- Momma and Jackson socialize while Abby does her girl scout thing.

8:00pm- Abby and I scarf down chicken quesidillas for dinner

8:30pm- Lexa goes to bed

9:00pm- Big kids are in bed and supposed to be sleeping but still chatting. Why should tonight be any different?

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