Saturday, February 18, 2012

C'mon Jackson!

February 15th was my 39 week appointment. Weight and blood pressure were fantastic. I complained about the head cold that I had for over 2 weeks. Becca prescribed a round of antibiotics and I pray they work. When given the option of being checked to see if I was dilated I hoped right on it. Up until that point I had a few nights of pretty strong braxton hicks contractions but nothing that I thought would have dilated me. When she checked and said I was 1, almost 2 centimeters I was shocked. She assured me that she felt his head down and she stripped my membranes. I was pretty hopeful leaving the office that I would be feeling some contractions. I was right. Contractions all night until around 1am when I fell asleep. Now here I sit 2 days till my due date and still pregnant. Apparently he's not ready to come and meet us yet. I'm so excited to see his little face and take in all the baby goodness.

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