Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy 5 month birthday Alexa!

I think I better do this right now while I have 5 minutes to spare. I've finally gotten all three kids in bed and asleep and it's 9:28pm. Yikes! A late dinner throws off everything. Today we celebrated Alexa's five month birthday. Nothing special except our usual onesie pics and a few extra cuddles. But here goes a few things about Alexa at five months old:

~~ still using Mam binkies and recently we bought a pack of the 6m+ ones
~~she cries when anyone other then Mommy, Daddy, Abby, or Nathan holds her unless there's
lots of commotion going on like at a party or family function
~~she soaks the floor when she takes a bath because she splashes so much
~~she cried when I tried to give her a bath in the big tub and I haven't tried since
~~she finally fits into shoes; she would probably fit size ones but they'd be too snug very soon so
I bought 2 pairs of size 2's
~~she placed 32nd place in American babies picture of the week contest
~~has rolled over twice from back to belly and once from belly to back but hasn't done either
~~she giggles at everything- silly faces, silly sounds, people laughing, sudden sounds
~~she turns and digs her face into any soft fabric when she's trying to fall asleep. Sometimes
it's my shirt, sometimes her blankie, or sometimes it's just her arm.
~~she's already on the 2nd height adjustment notch on the exersaucer
~~she still can't reach the ground on the lowest jumperoo height adjustment
~~she's eating 7oz's every 4 hours
~~she goes to bed at 8:30pm and is up at 3am almost like clockwork. She eats a bottle and
goes back to bed until 7:30am with a few stirrings for a dropped binky.
~~she is wearing size 2 diapers
~~she is now back on soy formula
~~she no longer has diarrhea with every poopie diaper
~~she's using VentAire bottles and drinks best with the slow flow nipples
~~still spits up with almost every feeding
~~has tried carrots, applesauce, green beans, peas, bananas, pears, and squash
~~will also eat rice and oatmeal cereal
~~ her hair is growing in nicely and I think it's going to be blonde
~~her eyes are still blue
~~she can fit rather nicely into size 12 months t-shirts
~~she has outgrown the gerber size 3-6 month white onesies but still fits Carter's 6 month
~~she kicks off every sock and slipper I try to put on her feet unless she's wearing shoes on
top of them
~~sucks on her fingers ALL the time!
~~she's not happy if she's laying down and even tries to do a sit up just so she can be upright
~~started eating in her high chair
~~has started screaming when she cries
~~pulls hair
~~plays with anything in your hand- cell phone, cup, remote
~~recently packed away her soothing motions glider, travel swing, and the bassinet portion
of her pack and play
~~she can hold rattles with her fingers now
~~ has outgrown size 3-6 month one piece outfits and her 3-6 month pants are getting short
~~is no longer swaddled
~~likes for me to sing the good morning song to her (she's always loved this though)

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