Monday, September 27, 2010

I wish I'd write more

I've said it since first finding out I was pregnant. I don't want to forget a thing about this baby. I wish I could write everyday. I think she's learning something new everyday and I feel like I'll forget it all. I think back to when Abby and Nate were babies and I can't remember at what age they started to do anything. I should go back and read through their baby books I suppose but even that isn't as thorough as I'd like it. Today Alexa tried out her exersaucer for the first time. We got it as a hand me down from Uncle Bobby and it's just the cutest pinkest thing! Alexa seemed to like it. She stared at all the tosy for a bit and proceeded to chew up the seat. She's like a little puppy now. She chews on everything. I think she's going to teethe early. Today she was sucking away on my kuckle. Felt kind weird but she loved it! And she's constantly chewing and sucking on her own hands. Half the time she'd prefer to suck on her hands instead of her binky. Today was a day for a lot of firsts actually. Tonight we tried feeding her baby food for the first time. She's 14 weeks and five days old and she ate applesauce. Quite the piggy she is. She's been wanting a bottle more and more frequently. I'm actually concerned that she's eating way too much formula everyday. I swear she might have eaten like 38 or 40 oz today. After listening to her cry for a bottle only 2 hours after having eaten five ounces I figured I'd give it a whirl. We started out by trying to give her rice cereal for the 2nd time now. She did exactly what she did the first time which is cry and never swollow one drop. That's when I decided we'd try something a little more tastey. Cindy had given me a few odds and ends things from the "guess the price" game we played at my baby shower and applesauce was one of them. Boy did she love it! After charging up the video camera a bit I finally taped her making this "mmmmm" sound after every bite. She was in baby heaven!! She's growing everyday. She's becoming more and more of a baby and less and less of a helpless baby blob. On Saturday she grabbed her bottle as I was feeding her and tried to hold it with her fists closed. On Sunday she held onto it with her hands open and tried to pull it out of her mouth every time she needed a breather. Today she actually supported the weight of the bottle for a few seconds. She'll be holding it any day. I'm always so excited for her to learn something new but in the back of my mind I know that whatever she learns is one less thing she needs me for. Sometimes it makes me sad. One day she'll scream and cry when I try to cuddle her close and hold her bottle to feed her. And I'll think "Man, do I miss those days when all she did was lay there and stare into my eyes as I fed her!" And I'll be sad. Please don't grow up to quickly Alexa. In other off topic news, we got a new pet today. Abby decided that with her b-day money she wanted to buy a hanster. She used her $48 and bought herself a cute little cage, a big bag of bedding, and hanster food. Oh yea, and the hamster. It's a chinese dwarf hamster and it's so stinkin' cute!

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