Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11th, 2010

So today I woke up and completely forgot it was 9/11. I didn't remember until I signed onto facebook and saw all the tributes to it. Ever since then I've had a bit of a melancholy feeling. I can't help but to think back to that September day. I remember it like it was yesterday. My life was so different then. No kids, still living at home, working at the sev. It's weird. Every year I've tried to teach the kids the importance of that day. At such a young age it's been hard but every year they seem to grasp the concept a little better. It's so important to teach them and let them remember every year for as long as we remember we can help to protect ourselves. I showed them a tribute that someone posted on facebook and then we spent some time watching news footage on you tube of that morning. We watched the 2nd plane crash into the south tower. I showed them pictures of men and women jumping from the towers. I showed them the wreckage left in the Pennsylvania crash and told them about the heroes that thwarted that plane's course. I told them about the Pentagon. This year they were truley interested. It made me feel good as a mom to know that I'm passing on that piece of history that I lived through. And for the rest of the day I will remember. I took some time to post a thank you message to my friend Daniela's husband Keith who fought in the war and who now suffers badly from post traumatic stress disorder. If everyone remembers they'll never win.

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