Monday, July 16, 2012

Potty Trained in 3 days?

Today Alexa turned 25 months. I think it's safe to say that I should stop counting her age in months from here on out, but for today's post I feel like it's necessary to point out that she JUST turned two! I've been toying around with the idea of potty training her for a bit. About two months ago I started brushing up on my potty training skills and debating on what reward system I wanted to use when I did bite the bullet. After messing around on the internet I took Alexa with me upstairs to take a shower. I usually don't do this but since pee pee was on my brain, I took her diaper off and told her to sit on her potty while I showered which she did very willingly. When I was done I checked the potty and there was no pee pee to be seen. I got dressed in my room and Alexa stayed in the bathroom. A few seconds go by and I hear the little pee pee jingle playing. Her potty is amazing and it plays a pretty catchy little jingle every time she pees in it. I thought for a second that maybe it was a fluke. Before I could walk to the bathroom she came walking into my room wiping herself with a towel. Boy this kid is observant...well, sort of. I wipe, but never with a towel. I digress. Yay! She did it! You would've thought she had graduated college or saved someone's life. Nope. Just pee. My heart swelled with pride. I immediately went to the store and bought a 3 pack of Gabba panties. That was a joke. She wet all three in a matter of two hours. Feeling a bit discouraged I vowed to wait until after her birthday. Fast forward two months to July 3rd. I was ready to try again. I knew we were going to be hanging around at home for a few days. I figured this would be a great time to bunker down and get'er done! I put Alexa in panties and every five minutes I asked her if she had to go potty. Occassionally she would say no but more often then not she would say yes and sit on the potty. There were a whole lot of false alarms but every once in awhile she actually went and what better to reward her with then popsicles?! She loved much so that I'd often find her sitting on the potty pushing even when she didn't have to go. She even cried a few times when she couldn't push anything out. After going thru a few too many popsicles I changed up my tactic. Day two was filled with lots of mini m&m's. Every time she went pee pee she helped me count out 10 m&m's. Awesome! She was peeing like a pro. By the end of the day we had our first poopy in the potty too! Wooooo! Me and both big kids did lots of potty celebration dances that day. Now she's only in diapers at naptime and bedtime. She occassionally wakes up from naps dry but I'm not confident enough in her ability to hold it yet. We'll give that a little bit of time. I bought a pack of pull ups too and we use those when we're out in public just in case. I still tell her they're panties though so there's no confusing them with diaper. I'm just so proud of her! She is defintely the youngest of the kiddies to be potty trained AND the quickest!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Party planning is my passion!

I admit it...I'm a party planning junkie! Months before the kids birthdays roll around you will find me scouring the internet looking for ideas. My pinterest "Party" board is one of my favs!! This year I struggled with deciding whether to do a "Yo Gabba Gabba" theme or a "Goggie" theme. She loves both things equally. I knew I could find plenty of premade Gabba decorations but I'd have to make the doggie themed ones. Which theme won? Doggies of course! I couldn't pass up the adorable puppies I found on the Create a Critter cartridge....a super cute dalmation and light brown terrier. I started gathering ideas in April and worked on things little by little. As always I had more ideas then I was actually able to bring to life.

Front Door

Favor Table

Back Door

Archway between living room & dining room

Outside Table Centerpieces
Lexa's Party Shoes

Dessert Table
Brownies, Pawprint cupcakes, Pupcorn, Choc covered pretzels, Fruit cups, Fruit dip, Pink waffers, Rice crispy treats

I'm so sad. I didn't take any pictures of the backyard in all of it's pink and purple prettiness. We had four round tables set up with pink and purple tableclothes and lots of balloons. I decorated Alexa's high chair with pink and purple streamers and a big dalmation taped to the front of the tray. Super cute!

I didn't have very many crafts or games to do this year. I had quite a few people find out that they couldn't make it last minute and quite a few of the guests were too young to participate in anything like that. Next year I'm sure it will be a little more exciting. Most of the little kids spent their time playing in the water table and the sandbox. The adults spent time chit chatting and eating. I feel like I raced around like a crazy woman the whole day but I enjoyed it all. Alexa had a blast pouring water on her head, opening her presents, playing with her new chapstick and eating sweets! Sounds like a great 2nd birthday party for my birthday girl!!

FRIENDS: Ebby, Ryan, Alexa and Richie

She had sooooo much fun dumping water on her head

Llama Llama Misses Momma from Mommy, Daddy, Abby, Nate and Jax

Doctor Kit from Kristen, Tommy and Ryan

This is the face she made the whole time we sang "Happy Birthday"

Puppy Pound
And when it was time to go home the guests each got to pick a puppy, puppy chow (cocoa puffs), puppy vitamins (gummy bears), a leash and collar and a tennis ball for the puppy (or the owner)

2 years. 730 days. 17,520 hours. 1,051,200 minutes old.

You are TWO. Those words feel so weird coming out of my mouth. The night before your birthday I laid in bed looking thru my old facebook pictures. I labeled all of my albums based on how old you were at the time. I first looked at all of your newborn pictures. I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I remember how cute you looked with your extra large flower bow and headband. I remember all of the nurses commenting on how big it was in comparison to your head. I remember how excited I was waiting for Abby and Nathan to come up to the hospital to meet you. I can still feel the energy there was in the room when they first walked in. Their smiles. Their gentleness. It was an amazing time. I remember sitting in my hospital bed alone with you examining your little fingers and toes and playing dress up with you. I changed you from the plain ole' white long sleeve hospital tee into a bright pink gown and pink headband. I took lots of pictures of you. I had waited so long for you baby girl. So many hours of worrying about ultrasounds, blood tests and movement. It was such a feeling of accomplishment to be sitting in that room holding my baby.

 I slowly made my way thru the rest of the pictures. Some pictures made me smile. Others made me cry. I miss that little baby and all of those milestones and yet I wouldn't exchange this stage of your life for any of the previous stages. Right now you're so fun! Everyday you learn new words and make new faces and play with your toys a new way.

At 24 months you:

~~Wear size 2T shorts and 2T or 3T shirts
~~Wear size 6 or 7 shoe
~~Wear size 5 diapers
~~Has peed on the potty once
~~Love reading a story before bedtime; favorite book- Llama Llama Mad At Mama
~~Loves Yo Gabba Gabba (Gabby), Sesame Street (Meh-Mo), and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Mouse or Gog-Gog)
~~Loves to play with her baby dolls, puzzles, and chapstick
~~Love green beans
~~Love to draw and color with pens and crayons
~~Love to sing songs, especially "The wheels on the bus", "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "How much is Doggie"
~~Love swimming in the pool
~~Want to play in the water table and blow bubbles everyday