Friday, August 12, 2011

She's got personality!

Oh my! My daughter is so full of personality these days. I probably won't remember half of what I wanted to document here. She is definitely the center of attention in this family and keeps us laughing constantly. She has learned how much fun it can be to climb up onto things and sit there. She first started with her little people bus, then graduated to sitting on the folded up pack and play and today I found her sitting on top of the old boxy radio that my Mom and Matt gave the big kids. She makes the most adorable faces but I have yet to be able to capture them with the camera. She has become quite the disco dancing queen. Anytime she hears music she busts a move. She moves her little feet so quick and is a good little booty shaker. She is in love with Yo Gabba Gabba and will dance every time the theme song comes on. She is also understanding so much these days. If I say "Come on let's go seepie nigh nights" she grabs the closest bink and starts heading for the stairs. She climbs all the way up the stairs (with me right behind her of course) and walks right to her room. If I ask "Are you hungry? Do you want some nummies?" she quickly starts walking to the kitchen. I'm hoping she soon has a vocabulary explosion. I've noticed that she's getting frustrated now when we don't understand what she wants. If she is out in the kitchen and wants a drink she will stand by the sink and cry. Every once in awhile when I forget and start to walk away she gets really angry and starts screaming. If someone tells her no or takes something away from her she angrily smacks herself in the head three or four times. I love spending every minute of my day with her. Sometimes I sit back and just watch her. It's almost like I can see her brain working and her ideas forming. Such an amazing little person!

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