Friday, February 12, 2010

Snowed in!

Today is day three of being snowed in. Blah! On Saturday we got 24" of snow. Then again on Tuesday we managed another 22". We have snow piled in our yard as high as the fence and all I can think about is how muddy it will be when it all melts. I'm hoping it leaves us soon. At least before moving day. Yes, you read that right, we're moving. I'm not exactly thrilled about it as I love this apartment and will miss it very much. I'm pretty sure I'll cry the day we move but I'm looking forward to all the new memories we'll make in the new house with our new baby girl. We signed the lease on February the 9th and I again confirmed how cookie our new landlord is. God, please don't let us have to deal with her much! I just want to move in, live our lives, and never have to speak to her again. Wishful thinking I guess. I think I'm going to start some packing today which should keep me occupied while the kids play outside. I do have some good news to report. On Friday February 5th I got a call from the perinatology office with my new blood work risk ratios. My T:18 risk came back at 1:10,000. My spina bifida risk ratio came back at 1:1700. And my down syndrome ratio came back at 1:5,000. I haven't breathed that deeply since before finding out I was pregnant and boy did it feel good. We still have to wait for my next ultrasound on the 15th to check on the baby's heart but things are looking good for this little one. I'll say it again, we just might have a baby come June.

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