Monday, May 11, 2009

Music to our ears!!

So today I am 7 weeks 5 days pregnant. And it's exactly 1 week and 2 days since the first horrible ultrasound I had. Wen I was 6 weeks 3 days we decided to take a trip to Delaware County Memorial Hospital's ER. We arrived at 10:30am and were taken to the back where the nurse asked if I'd had blood drawn yet or if I'd had a ultrasound. Of course I hadn't. That was the reason I was there. They took me to my room and hooked me up to an IV for fluids. They said that as soon as I couldn't hold it in anymore I should buzz the nurses station. An hour passed and finally I knew I should buzz them. Next stop...radiology! What a terrible experience!!! The technician couldn't really tell us much. She said the doctors don't "like that". And continued with the scan. Burt said he saw a sac and then she put a question mark next to something in the sac. I finally got wheeled back down to the ER and anxiously awaited the ER doctor to come in a tell me what was going on. My blood work came back great!! My HCG was 48.423. Excellent numbers for 6 weeks. My research later showed that 56,000 was the high end of normal for the end of the 6th week and I was only in the middle of the 6th week. They told me the only thing the tech could find was a gestational sac. They sent me home telling me that maybe I was just earlier then I thought or something. All week I just couldn't shake this awful feeling that something was very wrong. On Monday May 4th I went in for another blood draw. Those results came back at 75,183. Again high numbers but it didn't double like I was hoping. The midwives were thrilled with that number but yet again I couldn't shake the negative feelings I was having. Maybe my mind was trying to make it easier for me to hear bad news. Maybe I just figured that if I thought it was going to be bad that any positive news would be that much greater. I dunno. I just couldn't shake this gut feeling. I prayed I was wrong and just waited. Fast forward to today May 11th, 2009. The day after Mother's Day. My ultrasound was scheduled for 10:15 this morning. I stopped by the midwives office to pick up my referral and off to the hospital we went. I went downstairs to radiology and checked in. The receptionist sent us back upstairs to register. After being called to the desk the woman proceeded to ask me what kind of insurance I had. I thought for sure they could just bill me but apparently I was wrong. $339 plus a $50 radiology fee. Outrageous!! By this time though we had waited anxiously for over a week and couldn't wait another day. So Burt drove all the way back home while I waited and he brought back our debit card. Chi-Ching!! Soon enough we were downstairs again being called back. Low and behold it was the same ultrasound tech we had seen that day in the ER. My heart sank. The only hope I held out all week was that just maybe the tech wasn't as experienced and that's why we couldn't see the baby. When I saw her I just gulped and walked down that hallway as if I was walking the green mile. First was an abdominal ultrasound and boy was my bladder full. Then she told me to empty my bladder and come back for an internal ultrasound. Burt met me in the hallway and said "I swear I see something in there!". I couldn't get my hopes up. I just had to wait. When she finally pulled the sac up Burt asked "Is that the sac?" She said "Yes." I said "Do you see anything in there?" She said "Yes." I said, "Is there a heartbeat?" She said "Yes." If it weren't for the good news I would've been so annoyed with her yes/no answers. A heartbeat. Just flickering away there on the screen. She measured the heartbeat at 156bpm. Perfect!! And she even let us listen to it. What a beautiful sound!! I almost started crying. My body just wouldn't relax though. I was still so tense. Burt was smiling from ear to ear and I know he felt better. Then Burt asked if she could print out a picture. She proceeded to give us some sob story about their picture machine being broken and that all she could do was print a picture from the computer. That was good enough for me. No one could take away my happy high at that point. No one.

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