Thursday, April 21, 2011

10 months old

Alexa turned 10 months old on April 16th. We celebrated by doing nothing but lounging around for the day. The days seem to go by so fast with her and I just want to capture every memory and engrave it in my memory. But since that's almost impossible I'll have to try to capture them here.

At 10 months old she:

~~eats 25 oz of formula a day
~~eats 1 jar of fruit and a small cup of rice/oatmeal cereal for breakfast
~~eats 1 jar of veggies and bits and pieces of what we are having for dinner
~~still drinks soy formula
~~eats puffs, cheerios, cereal bars, biter biscuits, toddler graduate meals, and just about anything that can be broken down into small pieces
~~she gives me a hard time about drinking formula from a cup but will down a cup of juice
~~drinks her bottle in the high chair and if put on the floor to drink it she won't finish it because she gets distracted and wants to get up and crawl away
~~is wearing size 3 diapers still
~~doesn't soak thru her diapers at night anymore
~~goes to bed at 7:30/8:00pm
~~wakes up at 7am and sits and plays/talks in her crib until 7:30am
~~ always wakes up happy in the morning and after her morning nap
~~always wakes up grumpy from her afternoon nap
~~loves sleeping with her satin "bankie"
~~stands up in her crib and turns on the mobile music
~~will spit out the binkie in her mouth and pick up another one near by to "switch" binks
~~ loves dances to the chicken dance (Easter decoration)
~~crawls super fast
~~can stand unassisted for about 30 seconds
~~cruises along all furniture
~~is exploring the entire house now and doesn't just hang out by the coffee table
~~gets into all of my bow stuff when I'm working
~~fake coughs and imitates someone when they cough
~~will laugh just because someone laughs
~~lays her head to the side when I saw "Awwwww"
~~has just started trying to clap
~~went to her 1st music class yesterday and loved it
~~doesn't give me a hard time about wearing headbands but will take it off and play with it if left unattended like in the car
~~loves music and anytime we sing to her
~~will lay her head of my shoulder as I sing "Hush my little baby" before I put her to bed
~~will give someone a kiss if they say "Give me a kiss" and say "Mmmmmmmuah"
~~is warming up to other people and lets Aunt Amanda and Mom Mom hold her with no problem
~~HATES Juan and Uncle Frankie
~~stands up in the bath tub and tries to crawl to get her toys
~~fits in size 2 shoes but they're getting very snug
~~only enjoys the jumperoo if she's in it outside
~~loves taking walks in the stroller
~~hates mulch or dirt being on her hands and gagged when she touched it
~~loves the swings
~~says Mom mom mom and dadada but not regularly
~~hates getting dressed or having her diaper changed
~~has 2 teeth on the bottom